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发布时间: 2024-05-11  |  来源: 中国网  |  作者: 曾晓愉、张安然、夏圆梦、吴林翰、蒋露、王丽君


The towering buildings blend with the old residential areas, while planes and buses highlight the  Chongqing with its diversity.



时光荏苒,随着中国的现代化进程,重庆也迎来了翻天覆地的变化。改革开放以来,重庆的经济发展日新月异。高楼大厦如雨后春笋般拔地而起,与古老的建筑交相辉映,形成了独特的城市风貌。重庆通过创新科技应用、产业转型升级、文旅交替融合、绿色生态发展、开放合作共赢五位一体协同共驱,竭力打造现代化都市。如今便捷的交通网络、多元的商业中心、丰富的文化活动,让重庆焕发出新的生机与活力。作为中西部地区首个 GDP突破 3万亿元的城市,重庆西部陆海新通道建设、发展新质生产力、成渝地区双城经济圈建设等主题成为热点话题。




The Dramatic Change of Chongqing: The Rise of the Mountain City  in the Process of ModernizationWith its beautiful mountains and rivers, Chongqing, the misty city of culture, has  transformed from an ancient capital of the Ba Kingdom to a modern metropolis today.  This transformation is a testament to the rapid climb of China-style modernization and  the national economy. This series of photos takes Chongqing's urbanization as a starting  point, comprehensively showcasing the city's urban landscape from various aspects  such as transportation, lifestyle, and tourism. Through the author's perspective, we see  Chongqing's journey of modernization and the embodiment of China-stylemodernization in this municipality directly under the central government.

In the past, Chongqing was the political, economic, cultural, and military center of  the Ba Kingdom, boasting a long history and rich cultural heritage. During the Qing  Dynasty, Chongqing emerged as an important inland transportation hub for both land  and water, with its unique geographical location conferring advantages in trade with  other cities and fostering initial economic growth. Early after the founding of the  5People's Republic of China, Chongqing was designated as an important industrial base  of the country, gradually evolving into the economic hub of southwestern China.  Following the reform and opening up, Chongqing became China's fourth municipality  directly under the central government, marking a further elevation of its status in the  national political and economic landscape. Compared to other cities, the status of a  municipality provided Chongqing with more policy support and autonomy, fueling its  rapid economic growth.

As time passes, Chongqing has undergone earth-shaking changes along with  China's modernization process. Since the reform and opening up, Chongqing's  economy has been developing rapidly. Skyscrapers have sprung up like bamboo shoots  after a rain, intertwining with ancient architecture to form a unique urban landscape.  Through a holistic approach encompassing innovative technology applications,  industrial transformation and upgrading, alternating integration of culture and tourism,  green ecological development, and open and win-win cooperation, Chongqing strives  to forge a modern metropolis. Nowadays, with a convenient transportation network,  6diverse commercial centers, and rich cultural activities, Chongqing radiates new vitality  and dynamism. As the first city in the central and western regions to have its GDP exceed  3 trillion yuan, Chongqing has become a hotspot for topics such as the construction of  the New Western Land-Sea Corridor, the development of new productive forces, and  the establishment of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle.

The working people of Chongqing are the backbone of the city's development.  Their wisdom and diligence have not only shaped the unique charm of the city but also  left an indelible mark in the inheritance of non-material cultural heritage. Sichuan Opera,  a comprehensive performing art integrating singing, acting, speaking, and martial arts,  vividly demonstrates the spiritual outlook of Chongqing people. Rongchang pottery, a  crystallization of Chongqing people's respect and utilization of clay, embodies the  craftsmanship, wisdom, unique aesthetics, and creativity of each artisan through their  works. Tongnan bamboo weaving, a manifestation of love and pursuit of life, sees  laboring people weave exquisite daily necessities from bamboo, which are not only  practical but also artistic expressions. These non-material cultural heritages are the  7crystallization of Chongqing working people's wisdom, as well as testimonies to their  diligence and creativity, jointly constituting the unique cultural landscape of Chongqing.

In the tertiary industry, Chongqing has adopted multiple measures, leveraging the  unique geographical location of the mountain city and the relevant rights and interests  of a municipality directly under the central government. By promoting the process of  smart cultural tourism, creating distinctive cultural tourism projects, and fostering deep  integration of culture and tourism, various industries have exhibited a positive  development trend overall. Chongqing's delicious food, scenic spots, and folk culture  have attracted countless tourists to experience and explore. Chongqing-style hotpot,  small noodles, and fried sticked meat (a type of skewered snack) have become must-try  delicacies for tourists. Additionally, Chongqing has launched various tourism activities  and festivals, such as the Three Gorges cruise and the Wulong Natural Bridges, allowing  tourists to delve deeper into the city's culture and history.

Today, Chongqing has emerged as a modern metropolis and a central city in the  Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It boasts both ancient cultural roots and a  89modern urban landscape, along with diligent and wise working people and a rich array  of cultural and tourism resources. Chongqing's transformation is not only a microcosm  of China-style modernization and economic development but also a vivid  representation of the Chinese people's diligence, wisdom, and courage. In this city, we  can glimpse the boundless possibilities and hopes for China's future!


As the tilting Laifushi Building stands below, the people of the Foggy City live and work in peace  and contentment, exhibiting the charm of daily life.


Massive viaducts soar into the sky, serving as the transportation hub of people's lives.


Against the backdrop of the azure sky, the white clouds float gracefully. Looking ahead, the  buildings are crisscrossed and arranged in an orderly yet charming fashion.


The cableway passes through the city, the twin towers reflect the sky, and tourism  promotes economic prosperity.