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发布时间: 2024-05-11  |  来源: 中国网  |  作者: 吴善基


This landscape is located in the"Sea Ranch" of Niu Tian Yang, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, where the oysters are cultivated init.



The fishermen are busy in February, when there are few idle months. With the sea breeze and the tide lapping the shore, Niu Tian Yang, located in the western suburb of Shantou City, is a busy scene. A dozen of 6-meter-long fishing boats are neatly parked at the edge of Shantou's Rongjiang River, with oyster seedlings stacked up like mountains, about one person high. Strings of oyster seedlings from the boat was unloaded, fishermen are clearly divided, in order: or with a chainsaw to cut bamboo poles into segments, at one end of the opening to facilitate the bundling of the"cross-hatch"; or responsible for cleaning, bundling oysters...... In a short while, rows of oyster seedlings filled with oyster seedlings of the bamboo poles were placed! In a short while, rows of bamboo poles filled with oyster seedlings were put in order, and a new batch of oyster seedlings will be put in the center of the Rongjiang River. Sowing seeds in spring, waiting for the harvest in fall.

This documentary photo was taken at the oyster farm in Niu Tian Yang, Shantou City, Guangdong Province. The author chose the oyster seedling stocking scene during the spring plowing season for the video record, and through the shooting of the fishermen's hard work, it shows the spirit of the Chinese laboring people's undaunted hardship and hard work, and is also a vivid interpretation of their tenacity and hard work in the pursuit of a better life. Behind the fishermen's hard work is the Shantou oyster industry, which has been developing rapidly in recent years, increasing the fishermen's income and helping to revitalize the development of Shantou's countryside. In the development of oyster industry at the same time, Niu Tian Yang focus on the protection of the ecological environment, the ecological environment is good to attract the egrets and other wild birds in this habitat to reproduce and free phoenix flying, which is also a true reflection of the harmonious development of man and nature.


Fishermen in Niutianyang make preparations on the shore before stocking oyster seedlings during springtime.


A fisherman is bundling oyster seedlings.


A fisherman is carrying oyster seedlings.


A fisherman is carrying bundled oyster seedlings to the boat.


Boats loaded with oyster seedlings are on their way to the center of the Rong River, where cuttings will be taken afterwards.


The fishermen are frolicking and playing.


Fishermen share food with each other while they rest.