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发布时间: 2024-05-11  |  来源: 中国网  |  作者: 刘施瑄


《a cobbler》In the middle of the crowded Gulangyu Island, this craftsman keeps his head down and concentrates on his tinkering, leaving himself out of the noise.















This group of photos taken in Xiamen, Beijing, Tianjin, three regions, but they want to convey the content is similar, China from ancient times are advocating the simplicity of the nation, not to pursue the magnificent, only in the ordinary life to find happiness, perhaps because of the transmission of the national spirit of the Chinese people on the love of life is also passed on from generation to generation, their lives are ordinary and great, embodied in every aspect of life, the choice of the The choice of using photos from three different regions as a group to express a content also shows that although the living areas are different from the north and the south, the love of life is a commonality that breaks the geography.

《a cobbler》

This photo was taken in Xiamen Gulangyu Island, the person in the photo is a shoemaker, is concentrating on repairing the cracks on the shoes, and Gulangyu Island is a small island in Xiamen, but also a very hot tourist attractions, whenever the peak tourist season, the island will be presented with a sea of people bustling scene, this shoe repair shop, opened in Gulangyu Island, the corner of an alley, the shoemaker buried in the shoe repair seriously action as if Outside the noise, and the bustling crowd formed a sharp contrast, shoe repair master with very simple tools, frowning, squinting, for fear of sewing the wrong position, in his face can not see the expression of boredom, only the harsh seriousness. Shoemaker is a very ordinary profession, but shoe repair people are extraordinary, and the spirit of craftsmanship is also a precious quality passed down from our country,"choose one thing, end of life", craftsman in time carefully carved, so that the craftsmanship against the long years, the spirit of this profession in various professions have been inherited, which is also the reason why they are ordinary and great.

《The days are slow and the fires are warm》

This photo was taken in Xiamen Gulangyu Island, the person in the photo operates a small shop, Gulangyu Island, there are a lot of small shops like this, every shop owner is so, in the absence of business on the head down to seriously make food, in the coming business when the old will be while chatting with the guests in a friendly manner while making, from their expressions and words can be felt, in the work, they are very rigorous, and for their chosen occupation The profession on this boiler adds a lot of fireworks to Gulangyu Island, and makes a tourist attraction increase the life atmosphere while expanding the tourism industry, and these people who live in earnest have become the most beautiful scenery of Gulangyu Island.

《Dress Doctor》

This photo was taken in Gulangyu Island, Xiamen, the reason why I named it"dress doctor" one, because I think the process of repairing clothes is very much like a doctor in the process of healing for the patient, and secondly, the inspiration for this name also came from the conversation between me and the sewing lady, I am very curious to do this mechanical action every day will not get bored. I was curious about whether doing such mechanical actions every day would make me feel bored, Demoiselle threw this question to the aunt who was sewing clothes, and the aunt's answer made me feel very warm and touched, the aunt said:"I think it's okay, the people who come to me to fix their clothes, usually this clothes will have a very important meaning to them, otherwise they might choose to throw them away instead of coming over to make up for them, even if there is no significant meaning, this kind of frugality is very touching.." I think this may be the reason why Auntie loves this job and treats every piece of clothing so seriously.

《Gathered together are fireworks, spread out is the world》

This photo was taken at the Zhouying Fair in Beijing. It has always been a custom in China to go to the fair before New Year's Eve, firstly, because we need to buy enough food for the sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner and make preparations in advance, and secondly, because people travelling from the south to the north and from the city need to go home for a reunion, so they will sell all their goods before the New Year's Eve, and one by one, all the stalls selling their goods come together in a very pyrotechnic atmosphere, and then when they are split up, it's just like a scene of life in microcosm. The main character of the photo I took was a durian stall owner selling his durians, and what I found most interesting was what he said during the sales pitch:"Eat our durians, and you'll have good luck in the new year!" The use of harmonic stems and the grounded accents were all wonderfully amusing to me, and at the same time, I also felt the love of ordinary people for life and the positive mindset of trying to dig out the joys in life, which has even become a good model for Chinese people's lives.

《Life in Bloom》

When I saw this moncler outlet store in the square near the Lion's Grove in Tianjin, the lyrics of Wang Feng's song"I want to burst into bloom" finally came to life in my mind. accompanied by Mike Jackson's rhythmic tune, the moncler outlet store twisted his waist and switched his hands constantly, his vintage sunglasses and unbuttoned suit shirt all made him look like a young man in his twenties. The man's relaxed and happy nature also infected everyone present. The beauty of life is stacked one on top of the other by such ordinary and great people, and when you see them you can't help but sigh,"Life is really good."

《frozen age》

This photo was taken in Tianjin Lion Forest, is in the middle of winter, is the street pedestrians are wearing thick down jacket, spitting white season, in Tianjin Lion Forest, but there are a group of wearing swimming trunks, shirtless moncler outlet, in the queue to jump into the water, this is the embodiment of the love and challenge of life, perhaps it is this attitude to life, they were returned to the"secret of eternal youth!"They are a group of ordinary people, but they are creating an extraordinary life for themselves, so they are ordinary but great people.

Since I started to get in touch with photography, I have photographed all kinds of people, and my life has overlapped with these people, while I record them, they teach me how to live, how to maintain love for life, if they become the protagonists of their own lives, and what they teach me is also some of the qualities and spirit embedded in Chinese culture, and when I am photographing them, I can see the continuation of these qualities, and the endlessness of the life.


《The days are slow and the fires are warm》The owner's wife is earnestly making the food, and the heat steaming up from the boiler fills the cracks of life.


《Dress Doctor》The dressmaker is like a doctor, who goes to heal the dress when it is wounded, and the dress doctor mends the dress and the heart with the simplest of tools.


《Gathered together are fireworks, spread out is the world》The market before Chinese New Year is filled with people travelling from the south to the north, hawking again and again like a stand-up comedy show, which is vibrant and interesting.


《Life in Bloom》moncler outlet online Dancing in the square with Mike Jackson's song playing, the state of relaxation, but the gesture seems to have the power to break through everything.


《frozen age》The frozen lake was cut a hole, that is moncler outlet store"frozen age" of the place, the love of life and challenge let, he is not afraid of the cold.