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发布时间: 2024-05-11  |  来源: 中国网  |  作者: 陈淑妮、高忠云

如果把哈尔滨比做一薄书的话(If Harbin is compared to a thin book,)那么中央大街一定是它引人入胜的序言(then Central Street must be its fascinating preface)从一个高耸的黑色铁门下走过(Walking through under a high black iron gate,)就走进中央大街了(we entered the Central Street)

街道两旁的西洋风情长得比树还高(The western customs on both sides of the street grow taller than the trees,)冰糖葫芦是365天都能品尝到的文艺复兴(Ice-sugar gourd is a Renaissance that can be tasted in 365 days)

它有"亚洲第一街"的称号,是全国著名的步行街(It has the title of"the first street in Asia" and is a famous pedestrian street in China.)全长1400多米(The total length of more than 1400 meters,)路面上铺着小巧的石块(the road is covered with small stones)像极了俄式烤面包(like the Russian toast)

一年四季( Throughout the year,)不计其数的游人来到这条老街(countless visitors come to this old street)欣赏着街边不同风格的建筑(enjoying the different styles of buildings on the street)感受着这个城市的异域风情和无限魅力(and feeling the exotic customs and infinite charm of the city)

没到过中央大街,就不能说来过哈尔滨(Not to the central Street, can not say to Harbin)这就是中外游客对哈尔滨中央大街的评价(This is the evaluation of Chinese and foreign tourists on Harbin Central Street)中央大街是来哈尔滨旅游观光者必到之地(Central Street is a must for tourists toharbin)

中央大街上最引人注目的建筑要数我们面前这座马迭尔宾馆(The most striking building on Central Street is the Modern Hotel in front of us。)

它建于1906年(Built in 1906)属典型的“新艺术运动”建筑(it is a typical"Art Nouveau movement" building)是哈尔滨市一类保护建筑( which is a class of protected building in Harbin city)1931年俄文版广告中所述“马迭尔宾馆拥有最豪华的舞厅及餐厅,最现代、最舒适的容房”(In the 1931 Russian version of the advertisement, it was stated that"the Madel Hotel has the most luxurious dance halls and restaurants, as well as the most modern and comfortable rooms.")原来为大型豪华旅馆(originally a large luxury hotel.)“马迭尔"这个名宇代表着“摩登"与“现代”(The name"Modern" represents"modern" and"modern")在哈尔滨最繁华的街道上(Inthe busiest streets of Harbin)建成最华美的建筑,开设最豪华的旅馆,成为商业创意上的杰作(the most beautiful buildings and the most luxurious hotels have become a masterpiece of commercial creativity)

中央大街的背景与历史可追溯到18年(The background and history of Central Street can be traced back to 18 years,)是哈尔滨的发源地(and it is the birthplace of Harbin)这条街道见证了哈尔滨的变迁,也是哈尔滨百年故事的宝影(This street witnesses the changes of Harbin and is also a treasure of Harbin's century old story.)

中央大街是哈尔滨屋还时能的的重要组成部分(Central Street is an important component of Harbin's housing market,)它以其欧洲风情和宽阔的空间而闻名(renowned for its European style and spacious interior)吸引了来来自世界各地的商人和游客(attracting merchants and tourists from all over the world)百年积淀的文化底蕴独具特色的欧陆风情(The unique European customs of the hundred years、)经久不衰的传奇故事(the enduring legends)

流光溢彩的迷人夜色,构成人们心中浪漫、时尚、典雅、高贵的中央大街(and the charming night constitute the romantic, fashionable, elegant and noble central Street in people's hearts),也成了哈尔滨人心中永远迷恋的情结。(and also become the complex in the hearts of Harbin people.)

当一条街承载了一个城市百年的记忆,街边屹立的古建筑如同掌纹般清晰地诉说着年代的风情时,你会作何感受?迎着初秋的风,顺着记忆的河,呼吸着中央大街的气息,触摸的是哈尔滨城市的印记。(What do you feel when a street carries the memories of a city for a century, and the ancient buildings standing on the street vividly express the charm of the times like palm prints? Facing the early autumn wind, following the river of memory, breathing the breath of Central Street, touching the imprint of Harbin city.)