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Dream like a child

发布时间: 2024-05-10  |  来源: 中国网  |  作者: 蔡肖翰 褚立立 湛蓝 杨洪涛 潘亮宇


Yang Ruyi is trying todraw the rainbow using the three primary colors, striving to create her own dream world.






These are a set of photos taken at Xueling Primary School in Shenqiu County, Zhoukou City, Henan Province. From July to August 2023, 16 members of The Rural Development Club from Communication University of China came to this rural primary school to carry out a half-month rural summer camp. With the aim of serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers, relying on the characteristics of media, we hope to do our utmost to not only light up a heart lamp but also open a window facing the world for rural children.

Before stepping into Xueling Primary School, we were full of expectations, hoping to bring something to the children there. However, when we left, we were surprised to find that we had gained even more while giving. During the 14 days of living and studying together, the volunteers and the children jointly created a series of midsummer's dreams.

During the half-month teaching process, we created many new experiences with the children. In the craft class, the children made their own kaleidoscope for the first time, making the world more colorful and vibrant. In the drama class, they created their own scripts for the first time, bringing their imaginative ideas to life. In the bubble class, they tried to improve the"bubble water recipe" for the first time, and the crystal-clear bubbles flew into the blue sky, as well as everyone’s hearts.

Every new experience is an opportunity to ignite dreams. When seeing the heartfelt smiles of the children, the determination- devoting oneself to the education career- also quietly germinated in the hearts of the volunteers. It's not just a transmission of love, but rather a journey of mutual illumination. We saw different corners of the world and found the light we pursuing.

Capturing this sweet dream in photos allows us to revisit it repeatedly on the journey of pursuing dreams. Dreams are like kaleidoscopes, radiating with light and hope. Dreams are like floating bubbles, waiting to be chased and yearned for. Dreams are like volleyball, soaring with belief and courage. The midsummer’s dream will remind us, constantly and deeply: regardless of how far we travel, we must dare to dream and pursue our dreams like children, always maintaining our love for dreams and the courage to pursue them.


Li Haoyu has successfully blown the largest and most perfect bubble using his homemade bubble solution.


Han Xiaoya is eagerly exploring the colorful world through the kaleidoscope she just made.


Yang Jiaxu and Li Hanxu are throwing the soft volleyball with all their might, competing to see who will be the first to have their ball caught by someone upstairs, thus winning the game!