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发布时间: 2024-05-10  |  来源: 中国网  |  作者: 杨以诺

金秋时节故宫全貌 Full view of the Forbidden City in Autumn


Through my lens, I captured the golden autumn scenery of the Forbidden City, showcasing the tranquil grandeur of the ancient architecture amidst the autumnal splendor. The Beijing Central Axis, as a landmark of Beijing, connects the historical past with the present, carrying the prosperity and inheritance of millennia-old civilization.

As night falls, I recorded the nocturnal views of the Meridian Gate and the Corner Tower of the Forbidden City. Illuminated by lights, they appear solemn yet mysterious, shrouded in an aura of dignity. The snowy landscape of the Forbidden City exudes a serene beauty, akin to an ink painting, enchanting and captivating. In the early morning, I strolled through the Forbidden City, capturing the tranquil and beautiful morning scenes, evoking a sense of the ancient palace's quiet atmosphere, as if time were flowing backward.

The stone fence of the Forbidden City bears witness to the passage of time, standing steadfast despite the vicissitudes, carrying countless stories and legends. Lastly, the moon hanging at the Meridian Gate symbolizes the traditional virtues and eternal cultural spirit of the Chinese nation, offering insight into the magnificence and profoundness of Chinese ancient civilization.

These photographic works not only showcase the majestic beauty of Chinese ancient architecture but also embody a deep love and inheritance of Chinese traditional culture. Through these works, I hope to showcase the unique charm of China to the world, enabling more people to understand and appreciate Chinese culture.

中轴线 Beijing Central Axis

故宫午门夜景 Night view of The Meridian Gate

故宫角楼夜景 Night view ofTheCornerTower

故宫雪景 Snowy view of the Forbidden City

故宫晨景 Morning view of the Forbidden City

故宫石栏 Stone Fence of the Forbidden City

午门悬月 The moon hanging atThe Meridian Gate